
Showing posts with the label Turbanman sketch

Sketch-Indian man with turban

                                     Turbanman Sketch Turban is a part of some Indian rural area clothing style.turbans wearing prosses is very different -by area,by cast, by relegion, by occasion to. We can see lots of type of turbans in India and its state like Gujarat,rajasthan,punjab,haryana,madhyapradeshand more.people wore it  to save head from sunhit,sunstrok and head injory, for religious and cultural purpose to.its work like a helmet. many years ago most of people were always wore a turban in their routine life.nowdays old persons in some areas use hindi language it's calling ' paghdi' .hear is a pencil sketch of  an aged Indian citizen with  colourful 'Paghdi'(turban).  If you liked this sketch and information about turban, please visit blog to see more beautiful paintings.. Thanks . More drawings..... https://www.abstr...